Crystal Lake Beulah Beach Remediation and Storm Water Reduction Project
Crystal Lake attracts visitors from throughout the region because of its excellent inland fishing, boating, and swimming opportunities. The Village of Beulah owns and maintains a public swimming beach on the east shore of Crystal Lake, which draws tourists and locals to the Village and helps support local businesses. Beulah Beach has been monitored weekly from June to Labor Day. Since monitoring began in 2013, Buelah Beach has been subject to health advisories far too many times due to E. coli levels exceeding State full body contact recreation standards. The Village has received an EGLE (Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy) grant to construct Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce these events. The Crystal Lake Beulah Beach Remediation and Stormwater Reduction Project consists of constructing the following three different BMP types: Underground Retention Storm Chambers, Rain Gardens, and Inlet Infiltration devices within the Village Council meetings. BMP's have now been designed, and the project has been put out for bids. The Public Meeting scheduled at the Mills Community House (Upper Level) for February 6th, 2025, at 7 pm will provide an update on the status of the project and is open to everyone. |
Northern Michigan Ecstatic Dance
Sunday, February 9 10:00-12:00 Ecstatic dance is like a meditation for the body. We let go of our minds and drop into the body, to be with whatever is happening for us at the time. Movement can help us access, express, release, and celebrate what is, and what might be hard to notice otherwise. The majority of the time is for free-form movement Any form of dancing or movement is allowed as long as it is safe for everyone. All people of all sizes, types, and ages welcome. There is no photography or recording of any kind. This is a drug and alcohol free space. Mills Community House wants everyone to have access to dance, so this is a pay what you will event; it is free to you if you need it. Donations support the incredible Mills Community House and help Jeanie buy gas and lunch., and cover expenses of the dance. Jeanie Williams has been hosting ecstatic dance in Northern Michigan since 2016. |
Benzonia Academy Lecture Series
Benzie Area Historical Society and Museum 2nd Thursday of every month “What Happens After an Election?” Presented by: Mike Nagle Thursday, February 13th, 4 pm The issue of election integrity has divided Americans in recent years. Concerns over election security were raised as a result of the 2020 presidential election and were a key topic of discussion during the most recent presidential campaign. Have you ever wondered what happens to your ballot after you vote in an election? Do you know how the Electoral College works? Mike Nagle, West Shore Community College Professor of history and political science, will address these and other questions associated with elections at the Mills Community House on February 13 at 4:00. For more information you can visit the BAHS website at the link below. |
Cookbook Book Club
Mills Community House Association 4th Monday of the month Monday, February 24 12:00-1:00 Lower Level (L) Let's gather to talk about cookbooks, share our favorite cookbooks, and try food made from our favorite cookbooks. If you can and want to, please bring a dish to pass from a cookbook of your choosing and also bring the book with you. *If your favorite cookbook is pinterest, or a blog, or your own heart, that counts! Come on over. Cookbook Book Club will be on the Lower Level of Mills Community House. There is a kitchen on this level so if anything needs to be reheated or stored in the fridge we can accommodate that. Let's cook! |